Ultimate Guide: 10 Essentials Tips For Digital Nomad

  1. Renaud Gagne's Headshot
    Renaud Gagne

    Editor in Chief

A Decorative Image


As someone who has been doing remote work, since I was 25 and working from my laptop worldwide, I have learned quite a bit about thriving as a digital nomad. My journey started without a college degree, but my passion for web development and advertising led me to affiliate marketing and eventually starting my own boutique marketing agency. Now, at 37 years old and married with three children, I’ve worked in various countries, including the United States, Canada, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Costa Rica. Through my experiences, I’ve come up with 10 essential tips to help you thrive as a digital nomad.

Establish a routine

Desk with journal, coffee and watch. Someone establishing a routine.

Creating a routine is vital for digital nomads to maintain productivity and mental well-being. A consistent routine helps structure the day and provides stability, which is essential when working from different locations worldwide. A well-structured routine can also help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing you to allocate time for work and leisure activities.

Moreover, neuroscience research has shown that our brains thrive on routine. Habits and routines can free up cognitive resources, enabling us to focus on more complex tasks and decision-making. Daily routines can make it easier for your brain to process information and solve problems, ultimately enhancing your productivity.

To establish a routine that works for you, consider the following:

  • Plan your day the night before: Outline your tasks for the following day, and prioritize them based on urgency and importance. This will help you start your day with a clear plan of action and prevent decision fatigue.

  • Set consistent working hours: Establish a regular work schedule that aligns with your natural energy levels and the time zones of your clients or team members. This will make it easier for you to stay focused and manage your workload effectively.

  • Incorporate breaks and leisure activities: Ensure that your routine includes regular breaks to rest and recharge, as well as time for hobbies, exercise, and socializing. This will help maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout.

  • Be flexible: While having a routine is important, it’s also essential to be adaptable. As a digital nomad, you may face unexpected challenges or opportunities that require adjusting your schedule. Be prepared to tweak your routine as needed, and don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go as planned.

  • Review and adjust: Periodically assess your routine to ensure it’s still effective and aligned with your goals. If you find that certain routine elements aren’t working or need improvement, make the necessary changes to optimize your productivity and well-being.

By establishing a routine that caters to your personal preferences and needs, you’ll be better equipped to thrive as a digital nomad and make the most of your unique lifestyle.

Find reliable internet

Men in the train connected to the internet. Reliable internet access is a must for digital nomads, as it’s the lifeline that keeps you connected to your work and clients. To ensure you’re never left without a connection, consider the following:

  • Research connectivity in advance: Before travelling to a new location, research the internet connectivity available there. Check online resources like Nomad List, and forums, or ask other digital nomads about their experiences to get a clear picture of the internet situation in that area.

  • Choose accommodations with high-speed internet: When booking accommodations, prioritize those that offer high-speed Wi-Fi. Read reviews on websites like Booking.com or Airbnb and ask the host or manager about the internet speed and reliability before making a reservation.

  • Have a backup plan: It’s always wise to have a backup plan for internet access, as even the most reliable connections can sometimes falter. Consider investing in a mobile hotspot like Skyroam or a local SIM card with a data plan, which can serve as an alternative internet source when needed.

  • Utilize co-working spaces and cafes: Co-working spaces and cafes often have reliable Wi-Fi connections and can be a great place to work while meeting like-minded professionals. Websites like Workfrom and Coworker can help you find co-working spaces and cafes in various cities.

  • Test your connection: Before starting any important work or conference calls, test your internet connection to ensure that it’s stable and fast enough for your needs. Websites like Speedtest.net can help you check your connection speed and latency.

  • Use internet-optimizing tools: Several tools and browser extensions can help you optimize your internet connection, such as Google’s Data Saver, which reduces data usage by compressing web pages. This can be especially useful when working with limited bandwidth or in locations with slow internet connections.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you always have reliable internet access, allowing you to work efficiently and effectively as a digital nomad.

Stay Organized

Beautiful organized desk Working as a digital nomad means constantly juggling travel and work, so staying organized is essential. The internet is like a rabbit hole of distractions, and when you throw in the excitement of travelling to new places, it’s easy to lose focus. But fear not, for I have a few tricks to help you stay on top of things (and no, they don’t involve magic or a talking rabbit).

  • Personal Knowledge Management (PKM): Develop a system for managing and organizing the information you consume daily. You can use tools like Evernote, Notion, or Obsidian to save, categorize, and easily retrieve information. Remember, it’s not about hoarding knowledge but curating it for future use. Make sure to look into the Second Brain concept by Tiago Forte and his blog at Forte Lab.

  • Task Management: To make sure you’re always aware of what needs to be done, use a task management app like Todoist or Trello. Break down your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and prioritize them according to their importance. This will help you stay focused on what really matters.

The “Getting Things Done” (GTD) Methodology: Procrastination is the enemy of productivity, especially when exciting adventures await you. To combat this, consider implementing the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology by David Allen. This productivity system helps you organize tasks, prioritize them, and focus on what needs to be done now. By following the GTD principles, you can stay on track and prevent tasks from piling up, leaving you more time to enjoy your digital nomad lifestyle.

  • Digital Declutter: Just as physical clutter can affect your productivity, digital clutter can be equally distracting. Regularly clean up your digital space by organizing files, emails, and bookmarks. Apps like CleanMyMac or CCleaner can help you maintain a clean and efficient digital workspace.

Remember, staying organized doesn’t mean sacrificing spontaneity or fun. It’s about finding a balance that allows you to work effectively while still enjoying your nomadic lifestyle. So explore the world with your trusty laptop, knowing you’ve got your digital ducks in a row.

Prioritize Your Health and Well-Being

Women ready to run for the day to keep herself healthy Digital nomads need to prioritize their health and well-being, as it’s easy to experience burnout by trying to do too much without taking care of oneself. To ensure you stay in top shape, both physically and mentally, consider the following tips:

One of the strategies some digital nomads have found helpful is intermittent fasting, which helps them stay sharp and focused throughout the day. Limiting their eating window to a specific time frame allows them to maintain a healthy weight and improve cognitive function.

In addition to intermittent fasting, prioritize exercise to keep your body strong and healthy. Schedule regular workout sessions into your calendar, and try to engage in activities you enjoy, such as hiking, swimming, or yoga. Staying active not only benefits your body but also helps in managing stress and improving overall well-being.

Consider incorporating moments of silent contemplation and prayer into your daily routine for mental health. This practice can help you stay grounded, focused, and grateful for the blessings in your life. Spending a few minutes each day in quiet reflection can significantly impact your mental and emotional health.

Finally, it’s crucial to establish boundaries between work and personal life, even when working remotely. Set a fixed schedule for work and stick to it. When the workday ends, disconnect from work-related devices and spend quality time with family or engage in hobbies that bring you joy.

Remember, a healthy and happy digital nomad is a productive and successful.

Stay Connected with Friends and Family

Friends connected to each other Maintaining strong connections with friends and family is crucial for digital nomads, as these relationships provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. With the freedom to travel and work from anywhere, it can be easy to forge new friendships but forget to nurture existing ones. Here are some tips to help you stay connected with your loved ones no matter where you are:

  1. Schedule regular catch-up sessions: Set up recurring dates and times to catch up with friends and family via video calls or phone calls. Treat these appointments with the same importance as work-related meetings to ensure you don’t miss them.

  2. Use social media and messaging apps wisely: Social media and messaging platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, can help you stay connected with your loved ones. However, be mindful of your time on these platforms and focus on meaningful conversations rather than aimlessly scrolling through your feeds.

  3. Send thoughtful messages and gifts: Show your loved ones you care by sending them thoughtful messages, handwritten letters, or small gifts from your travels. This will remind them that you’re thinking of them even when you’re far away.

  4. Plan trips together: Plan vacations or trips with friends and family whenever possible. This way, you can explore new places together and create lasting memories.

  5. Invest in quality relationships: While it’s exciting to meet new people during your travels, remember to invest in deeper, long-lasting relationships as well. Having a strong support network is essential, especially as you grow older and face different challenges in life.

By making a conscious effort to stay connected with friends and family, you’ll ensure that your digital nomad lifestyle is both personally and professionally fulfilling.

Learn to Manage Your Finances

A money tree Effectively managing your finances is an essential skill for digital nomads, as it ensures you have the resources to support your lifestyle and pursue your goals. Proper financial management can also have a significant impact on your mood and productivity, reducing stress and anxiety related to money matters. Here are some tips to help you take control of your finances:

  1. Create a budget: Develop a monthly budget that accounts for your income, expenses, and savings goals. This will help you understand your financial situation and make informed decisions about your spending. Consider using a budgeting app like You Need A Budget (YNAB) to simplify the process and track your progress.

  2. Build an emergency fund: Set aside a portion of your income each month to build an emergency fund. This will provide a financial cushion in case of unexpected expenses, such as medical emergencies or urgent repairs, and give you peace of mind.

  3. Be mindful of currency fluctuations: As a digital nomad, you’re likely to be dealing with multiple currencies. Keep an eye on exchange rates and be aware of how fluctuations can affect your purchasing power and overall financial situation.

  4. Plan for taxes: Understand the tax implications of your digital nomad lifestyle, including income taxes and social security contributions in your home country and the countries where you work. Consult with a tax professional, if needed, to ensure you’re compliant with all relevant regulations.

  5. Invest in your financial education: Continuously educate yourself about personal finance, investing, and wealth-building strategies. This knowledge will empower you to make smarter financial decisions and improve your overall financial well-being.

Research has shown that financial stress can negatively impact mental health and productivity. By managing your finances effectively, you’ll reduce stress, improve your overall mood, and be better equipped to focus on your work and enjoy your digital nomad lifestyle.

Embrace Local Culture and Experiences

People looking at street food somewhere in Europe One of the greatest benefits of the digital nomad lifestyle is the opportunity to immerse yourself in new cultures and experiences. Embracing the local way of life not only enriches your personal journey but also helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance. Remember, being a digital nomad is about more than just making money and being productive—it’s a mindset that prioritizes living life to the fullest. Here are some tips for making the most of your time in each new location:

  1. Learn the language: Even a basic understanding of the local language can significantly impact your experience. It allows you to communicate with locals, navigate your surroundings more easily, and gain a deeper appreciation for the culture. Use language learning apps like Duoling or Babbel to get started. If you have a little bit more money to spend to really learn the language, I can’t recommend my friends at Language & Luxury™. They set you up in the best possible accommodation with a private tutor that coaches you to go out there and live like a local.

  2. Participate in local events and activities: Seek out opportunities to attend local festivals, concerts, and other events. This not only helps you connect with the local community but also provides unique experiences that you’ll remember for a lifetime.

  3. Try local cuisine: Enjoying the local cuisine is essential to immersing yourself in a new culture. Don’t be afraid to try new dishes, but be cautious with unfamiliar ingredients to avoid any potential digestive issues.

  4. Connect with other digital nomads: Meeting other digital nomads can provide invaluable support, friendship, and networking opportunities. Join local meetups, co-working spaces, and online groups to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the nomadic lifestyle.

  5. Respect local customs and traditions: Be aware of local customs, traditions, and etiquette to ensure you’re respectful of the culture and avoid inadvertently causing offence. This will help you build positive relationships with locals and contribute to a more enjoyable experience overall.

By embracing the local culture and experiences in each destination, you’ll create lasting memories, expand your horizons, and truly live the digital nomad lifestyle to the fullest.

Invest in the Right Gear

Beautiful working desk for remote work Having the right gear is essential for a digital nomad, as it can significantly improve your productivity, comfort, and overall work experience. Remember, when it comes to working remotely. Investing in high-quality equipment will pay off in the long run. Here are some key items to consider investing in:

  1. Noise-canceling headphones: A good pair of noise-cancelling headphones can be a lifesaver when working in noisy environments. Brands like Bose and Sony offer excellent options that will help you stay focused and maintain productivity.

  2. High-quality camera: A quality camera or webcam is essential for maintaining a professional image during video conferences and meetings. Look for options with HD resolution and good low-light performance to ensure you always appear polished and professional.

  3. Standing desk or adjustable laptop stand: A standing desk or adjustable laptop stand can help improve your posture and reduce the strain on your neck and back. This is especially important when working long hours from home or various locations.

  4. A second screen: I still remember the first time I got a second screen—it more than doubled my productivity. A portable second screen can be a game-changer when working on multiple tasks or when you need extra screen real estate. Brands like ASUS and Lenovo offer lightweight, portable options that are easy to set up and use on the go.

By investing in the right gear, you’ll not only improve your overall work experience but also enhance your productivity and professionalism. So, don’t hesitate to splurge on high-quality equipment that will make your digital nomad journey more enjoyable and successful.

9. Continuously Learn and Adapt

Someone open to learn The digital nomad lifestyle is all about embracing change and continuously evolving. As you travel and work, you’ll encounter new challenges, technologies, and ways of thinking that will require you to adapt and grow. Here are some tips for embracing continuous learning and adaptation:

  1. Stay up-to-date with industry trends: Keep your finger on the pulse of your industry by reading relevant blogs, newsletters, and reports. Join online communities and forums to engage in discussions with other professionals and stay informed about the latest developments in your field.

  2. Take online courses and attend workshops: There are numerous online platforms, such as Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare, that offer a wide range of courses to help you expand your skill set and stay current in your industry. Workshops and seminars can also be valuable opportunities to learn and network with other professionals.

  3. Embrace new technologies: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new tools and technologies that can improve your productivity and make your work more efficient. Stay open-minded and be willing to invest time in learning new software or systems that can benefit your work.

  4. Be open to feedback: Seek out feedback from colleagues, clients, and mentors, and use their insights to refine your approach and improve your work. Constructive criticism can be a valuable learning tool and can help you identify areas where you need to grow and adapt.

  5. Learn from your experiences: Reflect on your successes and failures, and use these lessons to guide your future decisions and actions. Embrace the mindset of continuous improvement, and view each new challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.

By maintaining a growth mindset and prioritizing continuous learning, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the digital nomad lifestyle and find ongoing success in your personal and professional life.

Master the Art of Air Miles Strategy

Someone in the airport One often overlooked aspect of the digital nomad lifestyle is the potential to save a significant amount of money and enjoy various perks through air miles and travel rewards programs. Mastering the art of air miles strategy can make your travel experiences more enjoyable and cost-effective.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Choose a rewards program: Select an airline or credit card rewards program that best suits your travel needs and preferences. Some programs offer better rewards for international travel, while others are tailored for domestic travel. Research the various programs and choose one that aligns with your travel habits.

Use a travel rewards credit card: Apply for a credit card that offers travel rewards, such as air miles or hotel points, for every dollar spent. Use this card for your everyday expenses, and make sure to pay off the balance each month to avoid interest charges.

Stay loyal to your chosen airline: Book flights with your preferred airline whenever possible to accumulate more rewards and benefits. This strategy can help you earn status upgrades, access to airport lounges, and priority boarding.

Keep an eye out for promotions and bonus offers: Airlines and credit card companies frequently offer promotions and bonuses to entice customers. Stay informed about these offers and take advantage of them to maximize your rewards.

Learn the ins and outs of redeeming miles: Familiarize yourself with the process of redeeming air miles for flights and other rewards. Understand the best times to book reward flights, blackout dates, and any restrictions that may apply.

By implementing a smart air miles strategy, you can maximize your digital nomad adventures while saving money and enjoying additional perks.


In conclusion, thriving as a digital nomad is an incredible and rewarding journey. It takes planning, commitment, and adaptability, but the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere worldwide make it all worth it. By following these essential tips, you can navigate the challenges of remote work, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and fully enjoy the digital nomad lifestyle.

Making the dream of working remotely a reality has been a life-changing experience. It has allowed me to spend more time with my family, explore new cultures, and grow personally and professionally. It hasn’t always been easy, but every challenge has been an opportunity to learn and improve at what I do.

So, if you’re ready to take the leap and embrace the digital nomad lifestyle, don’t hesitate. The world is waiting for you, and with a laptop and a reliable internet connection, you have everything you need to make it happen.

I hope you’ve found these tips helpful and inspiring. If you have any thoughts, tips, or experiences you’d like to share, please feel free to leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your stories and insights about living and working as a digital nomad. Safe travels and happy working!